Mata Balasundry Institute
Mata Balasundry Pvt. ITI Nahan is managed by Mata Balasundry Institute of Education Society Nahan. (Regd. Under S.R. Act XXI of 1860). Which Manages through a local and nearby Managing Committee Composed of eminent educationists Public spirited social workers and experienced educational administrators.
Chairman's Message
Dear Students,
I am exceedingly honored to lead the Mata Balasundry (Pvt) ITI at Nahan and welcome you to join the institution.
World today has turned more competitive and challenge oriented. It is the law of nature that only the “Fittest will survive”. We at Mata Balasundry institution are committed to transform our students and groom them in such a way to make them capable of handling all challenging jobs with added acumen and confidence.
Vision/Mission: To prepare technically and morally strong citizens who in future may become precious assets of the nation.
Facility: The ITC has highly educated, experienced and trained staff with ultra modern infrastructure, workshop with latest technology & Advanced Computer lab to provide proper practical knowledge to the students.
"The Hard Labour Can Change The Destiny Of A Man"